Devon County Highways underspend of nearly £1Million should be used says Richard Younger-Ross
An underspend on the Devon County Council's Highways budget should be used to clear some of the weeds on our roads according to Teignmouth's County Councillor, Richard Younger-Ross.
The council reported an underspend on Highways and Transport of £915,000 at its Cabinet meeting. Mr Younger-Ross told the Council's Cabinet that whilst the Council may wish to use all of this to balance an overspend on Children's services, at least a small part should be used to clear some of the weeds growing on our roads and paths.
"The buddliea growing in the gutters on the main road through Teignmouth are now almost 2 metres high" he said. "Whilst they may be attractive to butterflies they are very destructive to buildings and other build structures. The area Highways Engineers should be given a small budget to remove them. This improves the way our towns will look and will prevent damage to the highway which will be expensive to repair in the longer term."
Contact Richard Younger-Ross 07785931044