Councillor Mike James - Dawlish Town
Cllr Mike James
Cllr Mike James
Coronavirus updates - Lockdown 3 in progress The Corona Virus epidemic and restrictions are making changes to all of our lives, and following the current advice isn't always easy - but it is important to do so as much as we can.
Lib Dem Candidate for Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner May 2021 writes:
Andrew has a reputation for working hard and getting things done four our local communities.
This current crisis and the coming additional impact of Brexit has highlighted a number of really important issues for the County and its residents. More than ever services and support will be required to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of everyone, young or old, single or in a family, male or female.
£8 MILLION pledged to help fix Devon's roads has not been spent.
Modern homes for local families - the first in 30 years - are being built by Lib Dem Teignbridge District Council.
● At least 4,500 trees will be planted by Lib Dem run Teignbridge Council to help the environment and count towards trees lost to Ash die-back. The council has also cut back on the use of chemical weed-killer which is now used mainly for noxious weeds.
In the height of the pandemic, Lib Dem Cllr Alison Foden undertook her second year as mayor of Dawlish. In her day job Alison works at RD&E on research trials, including one on for Covid-19 therapy drugs and more, but she has still found time to represent Dawlish.
The second stage of the Dawlish seawall railway protection is now well underway.
Devon County Council should reverse its 'mean minded' refusal to provide free school meals during the holidays, say Devon's Liberal Democrats.
Devon Liberal Democrat councillors have asked 15 key questions about safety for children and staff as schools reopen across the County.